Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Music You Wish No One Knew You Had

Among my peers in the university-level musical studies, it is expected that we all, not only learn of the importants of every kind of "academic" music, but have impecable taste in music. Amidst the conversations at the university it is not uncommon to hear phrases like "gee, THAT's challenging music," or "it's sad that people actually listen to that stuff" and "I remember when I used to like that music." For most in the school of music, music is a serious and important study in which everyone should be experts.
I'm not uneducated in music (not to sound snobbish). Classical/jazz theory, music history, dictation and the like have all been drilled into me quite thouroughly, but I find myself (constantly) having to defend my musical likes and dislikes to my fellow music students and professors. So sue me, I like the Barenaked ladies. Crucify me if I can't stand listening to hours of atonal opera or free jazz. I feel that I appreciate all kinds of musical genres, bands, and even levels of talent. Sure, you'll get some kind of tolerance and respect (sometimes) when you tell these people you like classic rock--most musicians aren't completely closed minded. But, you tell these characters that there was a cool rap song you were listening to the other day and BOOM!, they blow a gasket. You know what, there takes some talent to write a pop song (though simple) that is so catchy it has everybody singing it for 2 weeks straight. There is something to be said for the hip hop song with such ridiculous lyrics that no club is found without it played at least twice in a night. You may hate disco, but DANG GINA, when it's playin' at 70's night at the roller rink, you can't help but fall on your behind out of sheer excitement. C'mon, we all have our songs on our playlists that we know we'll get made fun of for listen to. It's the ones that make you hesitate when your friends say "let me see your ipod" (dangerous words, huh?). You just gotta say "hell, I love what I love so lay off!"
So...yes, I do love Michael Jackson; I have listened to Daniel Powter's "Bad Day" more than most of the songs on my ipod; yes I do still listen to K-ci and jojo's "All My Life"; Earth Wind and Fire will NEVER die; I'm a straight man and I'm obsessed with Harry Connick Jr.; Eminem is kind of a genius; AC DC and U2 are not as good as people make them out to be; and "Who I Am" (you know, the song about her being Rosemary's Grandaughter) by Jessica Andrews is a well written song. There I said it! Phew, now excuse me while I turn up my Tori Amos.